I do believe that it is the max devices defined, but that is also across

What initially bit me, was I defined 4 lpars.  Why?  I don't know.  I
needed two, a 390 and an IFL.  But I thought about a test one and
perhaps a "systems" one.  And the convention was to define the devices
to all LPARs.  Well, almost 2 GB for HSA convinced me otherwise.  Even
if I didn't bring up the LPAR, the definitions took their pound of HSA,
hence real storage.

I cut things back to the minimum of 768M HSA size.

I remember when OS/VS 2 took 768K for the superviser.  Is the HSA
process 1,000 times more complex then OS/VS 2?

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/16/2006 2:32 PM >>>
On a z/890, does the size of the HSA change if the value of the MAXDEVS

parameter on the RESOURCE statement in the IOCP is increased/decreased?
The z/890 System Oveview manuals says the HSA size varies according to

the "size and complexity of the I/O configuration", but it's not clear
it refers to the actual defined devices or the maximum devices that can
defined.  It makes the most sense for it to be the maximum devices, but

I'd like to verify it.

Brian Nielsen

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