IND$FILE is in fact included on the S disk in 5.2...

Dennis Schaffer wrote:

I'm dealing with our current 3270 emulator vendor, which provides limited
support for FTP protocol file transfer, trying to convince them to enhance
that support.

I recall when z/VM v5.2 was announced, there was a statement to the effect
that IBM would no longer officially support the IND$FILE protocol as of
v5.2 but IND$FILE would be included as a "sample" (my wording, not
necessarily IBM's) unsupported program.  I guess the implication is it
would probably work w/ v5.2 in many/most situations but don't call IBM if
it doesn't.  Furthermore, as I recall, it was stated that IND$FILE would no
longer be shipped with z/VM releases after v5.2.

I found the v5.2 announcement letter (
 ) but I don't see any reference to either IND$FILE or FTP file transfer.

Was I having another nightmare?   Does anyone else (especially anyone
official within IBM) remember this IND$FILE support issue and, if so, can
you provide a link to something official from IBM stating their official
position on the matter?  If my facts aren't quite right, please feel free
to set me straight (with supporting documentation, if possible).  If I
really was dreaming and there's no truth at all to this recollection,
please let me know about that also.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Dennis Schaffer
Mutual of Omaha


Lee Stewart, Senior SE
Sirius Enterprise Systems Group
Phone: (303) 798-2954
Fax: (720) 228-2321

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