> Well, you can run VM/370, and MVS 3.8j and OS/360
> variants (MVT & MFT).
> From what I understand, they were "free" and
> "unencumbered" by any
> license. I don't even know if they were copyrighted.

I have only studied VM/370 in details, and the base OS
simply  contains no copyright statements. At the time
it was written, it would have needed to contain
copyright statements to be copyrighted.  (This is in
the USA, in other countries such as the UK different
rules applied) 

> But, if so, I am
> fairly sure that the copyright has expired. And they
> can be downloaded
> from the Internet. 

I don't believe that any copyrights have expired.
There is plenty of software from this era which can't
be used. These include many "essential" add-ins for
VM/370 such as SEPP, BSEPP and even EDGAR.
<< Note there may also be patents involved. These will
probably have expired.>>

VM/370 is actually a pretty limited OS compared to a
modern VM. There is no REXX or even EXEC2. No pipes,
no fullscreen support. Only the "old" editor to edit
files. The disks are of couse the "old" 800 byte
format, max of 64k files per disk and 64k recs per
file. RSCS only does RJE not store and forward. Not
even a help system "out of the box"...

On the other hand the GCC I built on VM/370 works fine
on even the latest VM, so the level of backward
compatability is awesome... 

> There is even a "turnkey" version
> of MVS 3.8j that
> can be ordered on CD-ROM.

There is also a "pre-built" VM system that you can
download from from a number of places including:-


(I think the copy on cbttape is downlevel) This
includes a number of extras  such as the MVS
compilers, WATFOR, Help, GCC and BREXX...

> Of course, you cannot run any program products on
> these OSes (like SPF
> is not available for the MVS 3.8j system).

There is a "look alike" product call RPF which is in
the Turnkey..

Dave Wade

> --
> John McKown
> Senior Systems Programmer
> HealthMarkets
> Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
> Administrative Services Group
> Information Technology

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