Time permitting, I may be able to provide some of that history. I was an IBM branch office Systems Engineer in the late 60's until the late 70's and fairly early on, it occurred to me that as I was updating my sales manual and the update instructions said to throw away certain pages, I was throwing away history. I started keeping some things that I thought may be of interest.

For example, the page for a 2050 Processing Unit, S/360-50 which was dated Nov., 1977 and had (no longer available) on it, had a Model G with 128k for a purchase price of $497,900 and a Model H with 256k for $680,950. Maintenance would have been $474 or $636 per month.

Schuh, Richard wrote:
Now that you mention it, the upgrades did get the 1x5-2 designation. =
However, there are a few  references to 360/1x7s that you can find with =

Some IBM historian can no doubt straighten us out.=20

Richard Schuh

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(607) 255-1760

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