On 18 Oct 2006 at 10:01, Kim Goldenberg wrote:

> > The 4.4 and 5.2 are 2 different LPARs. 5.2 can only run
> > in 64bit mode, and our 4.4 is 31bit, so 2nd level is out.
> >
> >   
> Do you really mean different LPARs on different machines, or on the same
> machine, because if it's the latter, I'd better not tell my test 5.2 
> system, it can't run on my 4.4 production system on our z9. <grin>

In my case I definitely meant the same machine, but I did
not say you *can't* run 5.2 as a guest in 4.4, just that
you cannot run as a guest of a *31-bit* 4.4, which ours is.

A 31-bit VM cannot create a 64-bit guest, and 5.2 will
only run in a 64-bit environment.

Please note that I am not saying this from personal
experience, I am spouting the official line. :-) (But I do 
believe it).


P.S. Today was a "crazy day" (tm?) - so I was unable
to do anything with testing the theories regarding sharing 
a VTS tape.
Shimon Lebowitz                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM System Programmer           .
Israel Police National HQ.     http://www.poboxes.com/shimonpgp
Jerusalem, Israel              phone: +972 2 530-9877  fax: 530-9308

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