Tape Manager requires either:

1. The REXX runtime library - a separately priced product that will run 

compiled code (and thus give you the performance benefit of running 
compiled, rather than interpreted, code.)

2. The alternate REXX library - a free download that will run "compiled" 

code as interpreted.  The download is available at:

Tape Manager can run with either one because when the developer compiles 

the code, he does it with a special option that also includes both a 
compiled and interpretable form in the object code.  So from the same 
object code, the REXX runtime library uses the compiled form and the 
alternate library uses the interpretable form.  This interpretable form 

is  readable by the alternate library, but not by the REXX interpreter 

that's included with z/VM.  

So if your site doesn't have the full REXX runtime library, go get the 

free download of the alternate library.

Tracy Dean, IBM

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