On Thursday, 11/02/2006 at 10:17 EST, "Mark Pace, Mainline Information 
System" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the pointer to the IBM Alternate Library, which was a 
> in itself to install. (Bad day)
> But the bad day continues - EUMTAP0063E Unable to autolog server TMCMM - 
> 6050
> No problem, just look at help -  Bzzzz - wrong  no online help for Tape
> Manager messages.
> No problem, just look in the message manual - bzzz - Can't find a 
> manual for Tape Manager.

Odd, there's no reference to the HELP files in the User's Guide.  The 
Admin book only says to "Please reference the HELP files for specifics on 
which are valid in a particular situation." regarding RMM.  When you 
installed TM the Copy-to-production step had you copy HELP files, too.

> Okay - I'm probably looking foolish about now, but I'm having a bad day 
> I don't care anymore.  How do I find error messages for Tape Manager?

Try HELP AEUM MENU or HELP EUM063E.  Too bad the TM message didn't say "CP 
RC 6050" or interpret the more common return codes for you.

Maybe I missed something; Dan or Tracy will have to weigh in.  (I'm seeing 
fodder for a Reader's Comment Form, though it is probably not necessary 
since they watch the forum.)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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