VM wasn't designed with the idea that VDISK pages are merely inactive pag
es. Linux wasn't around 
on the mainframe when VDISK was invented. VDISK was design as a fast disk
 in memory, not 
specifically as a swap space.

Mostly VM uses LRU algorithms -- the VDISK page is NEW to VM when it is f
irst written, so it will 
be retained longer than unchanged pages in the Linux virtual machine. As 
others have pointed 
out, the actual algorithms are more complicated than LRU -- and they tend
 to favor keeping VDISK 
pages in memory even longer.

What I remember reading, but have not tried, is the suggestion that you h
ave multiple levels of 
swap space, a small VDISK and larger minidisks to back it up. That might 
help in this case.

alan(dot)ackerman(at)Bank of America(dot)com

On Tue, 7 Nov 2006 17:00:43 -0500, David Kreuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
om> wrote:

>Dennis: Remember CP doesn't know what's in the vdisk page. It's handles
>a write I/O CCW for the guest. Yes normally CP should take vdisk pages
>ahead of virtual machine pages for page out.
>Dennis Schaffer wrote:
>>Now for the question:  Since Linux has moved what it considers inactive

>>pages to swap/vdisk, why would VM keep any of that machine's vdisk page
s in
>>central storage in a VM-central-storage-constrained environment?  I wou
>>expect that VM would migrate all of a Linux machine's vdisk pages to
>>xstor/disk before it would migrate any of that machine's virtual storag
>>pages away to xstor/pagdisk.  The only exception I can think of would b
>>that VM might migrate vdisk pages from pagdisk/xstor to cstor as part o
>>Linux swap migration back to its memory.

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