> It would be very useful to be able to send commands and/or messages
> to/from this machine in similar way to the RSCS functionality.

> My thought would be to have a TCPIP based server on each side
> talking to each other and providing this functionality.

There is (or was) a protocol for sending messages, MSP,  Message Send
Protocol.  I cobbled up a TELL EXEC to use it (or to use RSCS if the
target node was not dotted).  Also a server,  which could be listed in
SYSTEM NETID and delivered messages via MSGNOH.  Looked to the user
(eg: to PROP)  as if it were another RSCS service v-machine.

There is also (slightly more alive because the author is on this list)
a protocol for sending files, UFT, Unsolicited File Transfer.  It was
rolled into RSCS some time back,  but originally could run without it.
Here too,  the server could be listed in SYSTEM NETID and would then
look just like RSCS to the users.

The idea is:  *NJE is the best NJE.  But if you don't have real NJE
you can have the effect of NJE by way of two TCP/IP based services.

> btw: I have thought about REXEC and I might yet end up
> using that but this is not exactly what I was looking for.

Avoid REXEC.
If we had SSH for CMS,  that would help.
But such tools are modelled completely different from NJE.


*I call it NJE for lack of a better way to identify the
basic networking used by RSCS.  I DO NOT mean the MVS side of it.

-- R;

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