> > > We used to say that it was a good idea to run the cache-only
> > > that comes with VM TCP/IP (i.e. NAMED) to avoid excessive DNS
> > > going outside VM. Some installations also used it to prime the
> > > with a set of important host names (in case the outboard DNS was
> > > available). But the VM DNS implementation has become a bit dated,
> > > if you can you should probably avoid that route.
> > Or replace it with a minimal Linux guest.
> How will that help?
> If the DNS didn't work using the servers in our LAN,
> why would it work better talking to a linux guest?

In your case, it was actually a different problem (what interprets the
NSINTERADDR lines is in the client VM, not the stack VM); I was
commenting on Rob's comment about no longer running the caching server
on VM.

The reasons it helps with the issue of running the caching server on VM
in that the Linux appliance allows you to cache efficiently (as the
current code does), but also supply real usable DNS services that can
supply answers different than the ones supplied by your external DNS for
test or policy reasons, as well as support the latest security and
authentication requirements. 

The biggest problems with the CMS DNS server are that it is based on
really, really ancient interpretations of the DNS RFCs and that it
requires DB/2 VM to provide anything more than caching services. Given
the neglect of DB/2 VM over the past years and the cost, running DNS
doesn't really work on CMS other than if it's absolutely required by
some procurement wonk with a checklist. Can't do DNSSEC, can't do zone
transfer restrictions, can't do DDNS, can't do a lot of things. All of
which 'bind' on Linux does trivially at zero additional cost.

It's handy for test purposes because you could force the Linux guest to
give any answer you wanted w/o having to convince your Windows admins to
break the real DNS for your purpose. It's also useful in the case where
you're hosting Linux guests that provide network services to not have a
dozen different systems beating the tar out of your external DNS
servers; get one internal one set up, cache results, and have all the
extras consult the internal one. Significantly less network traffic for
busy services that way. 

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