This will satifiy your needs
much easier than opening an APPC connection (as Alan says), or punching a 
file to yourself and check the sender (as I did before LCLQRY)
LCLQRY can also tell who XAUTOLOGed a user.  LCLQRY provides a class G 
solution to query your own, and a priviledged one to query the info for 
other users.

IBM Belgium, VM customer support

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 
2006-12-22 01:34:58:

> IBM VM BATCH uses Diag D4 to set an Alternate ID for task IDs, so in
> some ways the task machine is "masquerading" as a different userid.

> The BATCH SUBMIT command accepts an ALTID option which is used by that
> Diag D4, but the job owner is still the actual job submitter.

> The DGROOLY EXEC runs on the task ID, and one of the parameters passed
> is the job owner. But I want to determine if there is an ALTID in 

> Short of doing something gross like sending myself a spool file and
> checking the origin id, either of the spool file or looking at the IMSG,
> how can I determine the Alternate User ID of the ID I'm actually running 

> That is, how can I determine what my ORIGINID would be if I sent a spool
> file to another ID?

> This is on z/VM 4.4

> Thanks,
> Don Russell

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