Whether Linux is truly cost-free depends a lot on how you look at
things. If you consider disk space and processor time to be free, and
also support staff and programmer time as free, then yes, Linux is free
(as in beer). You can download Centos Slackware and Debian without
charge, and use the Linux-390 list for support. Whether this is a smart
thing to do for production is another question, and is something only
your management can answer.


Over the years I have come to appreciate that the true 'free' in Linux
is the 'free as in free speech' aspect. The lack of cost is just a




-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Edward M. Martin
Sent: January 24, 2007 08:53
Subject: Question on LINUX


Hello Everyone,


      I am just being to review LINUX on z/VM.   I have played with it
on a PC, took an IBM install class way back when.


      The question I have been asked "is Linux for z/VM truly free?".
Or are there costs that HAVE to be incurred?


      Salesmen never true answers.


Ed Martin
Aultman Health Foundation
ext. 40441


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