Long time ago back when I was vm 5.1, we followed the vm/linux install cookbook from Mike MacIsaac. Now I'm vm 5.2, am following the cookbook again cause we have another physical box with an IFL on and I want to set up a vm with linux images there. I can not do a PUT or LS to my lnxmaint image. I can FTP to it and I did have firewall issues that I got rid of to do that, but those commands just sit there. IF I go to my vm machine lnxmaint, FTP to my laptop, I can do a GET. Therefore I'm thinking my FTPSERVER on VM is not right but I can not seem to find anything in a log that says that. I'm looking for ideas. Is something different between vm 5.1 and vm 5.2 that I missed? THANX in advance....

Brian W. France
Systems Administrator (Mainframe)
Pennsylvania State University
Administrative Information Services - Infrastructure/SYSARC
Rm 25 Shields Bldg., University Park, Pa. 16802

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