I still use the MAINT 490/190; 493/193 as alternate disks (all products have
two copies of runtime disks).
Fixes land on 490/493.  When I place it in production, I swap the minidisk
addresses in the CP directory.
When it is not OK, swap again and you're done.  (I also added a 49E)

But, PUT2PROD makes this impossible, it overwrites the backup copies.  But,
what prevents you from adding yet another copy, for example MAINT 1190 and
1193.  Then you can either use my swap address technique, or use DDR to copy
190 onto 1190 etc.

I've got a COPYDDR EXEC that makes copying a minidisk as easy as COPYFILE.
For example
  COPYDDR MAINT 190 = 1190

Part of my swap address technique is also that I use the 3 Minidisk password
fields in the directory as description (these passwords are not used if
you've got RACF);  Example
 MDISK 190 3390 nnn sss vvvv RR ALL ZVM520 DEC2006

Another change -that I already explained once here- is that the MDISK label
on MAINT 190/490/x90 tells which CMS must be IPLed, so I've got CMS20A,
CMS22B, and things alike.  The other CMS segments get similary named, eg
CMS20FA and CMS22FB (corresponds to CMSFILES segment).  One needs a change
in SYSPROF and some small program that is saved as system CMS.  Your users
IPL that, it reads the 190 disk label and IPLs a CMS named like that.  Refer
to IPLER on the VM download lib, it contains all what is required.

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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