I hooked up my desktop to my 42" Plazma HDTV.  I thought I could get many 
screens out of it (trying for 8).  But when you sit close, like a normal 
desktop area, even HDTV looks like a Trash 80 Color computer<G>.  Not usable at 
But then, 1080i in HDTV, isn't that much different then XGA (1024), scaling it 
up to a large 42" set, just doesn't do it.
Our next adventure, is to put multiple graphic cards in the XP box, to drive 
multiple flat panel monitors.  If we can flip the monitors on end, and rotate 
the graphics, we could get two clear screens per monitor.  Win/XP, supports 10 
monitors per box.  Kind of neat, per the documentation.  When you move the 
mouse off of one screen, it will move to the next screen.  
Up....down...left....right, it doesn't matter.
Check "control Panel", "Display", "settings tab" to get an idea of how this is 
Then, of course, have multiple TN3270 sessions as consoles.
My guess is that this is fairly simple.  Otherwise there would be some venders 
to supply the market.
Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3/12/2007 1:57 PM >>>
We are looking at replacing our Multiprise 2000 with a z9, and the issue
of replacing the console terminals has come up.

Currently, we have 3 3290 gas plasma terminals with 4 screens on each
for our VSE guests, and a 3472 terminal for VM. We actually need the
equivalent of 12 terminals sessions. We plan on using OSA-ICC for the
new consoles. It does not look practical to stuff 12 17-inch LCD
monitors into our console area. We experimented with multiple BlueZone
terminal emulator sessions on a 37-inch LCD monitor, but the result was
not very readable.

What are other sites doing for consoles? Suggestions, caveats?


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