We use PCs with 19 inch flat panel monitors.  We run 4 "sessions" on
each screen.  The PCs are running IBM PCOMM under Windows-XP.  They are
all connect to OSA-ICC cards.  At the local site we run one monitor per
PC and at a remote site we are running two monitors per PC.


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 1:58 PM
Subject: Mainframe Consoles

We are looking at replacing our Multiprise 2000 with a z9, and the issue
of replacing the console terminals has come up.

Currently, we have 3 3290 gas plasma terminals with 4 screens on each
for our VSE guests, and a 3472 terminal for VM. We actually need the
equivalent of 12 terminals sessions. We plan on using OSA-ICC for the
new consoles. It does not look practical to stuff 12 17-inch LCD
monitors into our console area. We experimented with multiple BlueZone
terminal emulator sessions on a 37-inch LCD monitor, but the result was
not very readable.

What are other sites doing for consoles? Suggestions, caveats?


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