It seems to have healed itself. I just checked yesterday's console log
and all of the messages were paired. I did restart the link late the day
before yesterday because the MVS sysprog took his side down to make
changes and could not connect. It reconnected and immediately died when
the VM side signed on, so he reversed his changes and the connection has
been timing out, with the paired messages, ever since. Funny thing, I
did not have to restart the VM side of the link after he reversed the

All of the DMTTNE083E messages from this link have been due to the
connection timing out. Is this timeout something that is or can be
defined in TCP/IP? I see no parameters for it in RSCS and the MVS
sysprog says the same about JES.  

Richard Schuh 

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: TCPNJE

>No, I have not changed the messages. Those were consecutive messages in

>the console log. However, in looking at all occurrences, almost every 
>15 minutes for 2 days, I found one that had a second message DMTTNE08E 
>message following the one saying there was a socket error. It did have 
>a return code of -1 and an error number of 60 with the text "Connection

>timed out".=20
Message DMT083E should be issued on two lines such as:

DMTTNE083E Socket error on link GDLVML00 request=Recv DMTTNE083E return
code=- 1 error number=54 (Connection reset by peer)

I cannot think of any parameter which would cause only line one to come
out.  Perhaps you should open a problem with the support center and we
will further investigate why the message is not coming out in two lines.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

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