You need to trap the message "RDR FILE FROM" in class 3 ("async CP
message").  A problem is that when a RDR file arrives when the PROP machine
would not be active, your action routine will not see the RDR file.
Therefore, an action routine for RDR files should be able to handle more
than 1 file sitting in the reader.  This way, when a new file arrives it
will handle all files it didn't see yet.

For this reason, a server that uses WAKEUP (RDR is better suited.  WAKEUP
will wake up when new files arrive as well as when old files are waiting in
the RDR queue.  Have a look at my RxSERVER package on VM's download lib.
The stanbard code we deliver will react to RDR files, and will check
authority etc.  For special handling (i.e. more than simply receiving it on
the A-disk) you have to insert some REXX lines at the provided exit points.

2007/4/9, Tom Duerbusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I wasn't aware that PROP will act upon something being delivered in the
reader queue.  It likes messages, not queue elements.

The only thing I can think of, is to route the rdr queue elements to
another service machine (with wakeup rdr specified), and have it process the
reader entry and msg the prop server with the contents.

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> Steve Gentry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4/9/2007 12:12 PM
I'm trying to get a programmable operator to do something and it isn't
working.  I've done some reading in the manual and have looked at some
existing code but no luck.
What I want to accomplish is to send an e-mail to a userid called PROPSCAN
([EMAIL PROTECTED])   The message gets sent to our VM SMTP server
with no problem and SMTP then sends it/delivers it/routes it to PROPSCAN's
RDR   and there it sits.  In the RTABLE for PROPSCAN I have it coded such
that anything come from SMTP will start an EXEC.  The EXEC will then parse
that RDR file and I'll take appropriate actions based on key words I'm
looking for.
Is this doable?  If so, what have I missed?

Steve G.

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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