On Tuesday, 04/24/2007 at 09:06 MST, "Schuh, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> What is it with Keepalive (TCPIP) vs. KEEPALIV (RSCS), anyway? IIRC, you
> and others have said that Keepalive causes packets to be sent while
> KEEPALIV does not. In this case the values on the side where the RSCS
> connection appeared to stay up were, Keepalive options: interval=20,
> sendgarbage true; RSCS parm: KEEPALIV=NO. That said, it did not seem to
> matter what the RSCS parm was. The same behavior was exhibited when
> KEEPALIV=YES was used. In other words, KEEPALIV appeared to be a unary
> switch :-)

Keepalives are generated by the stack, not the apps, but the apps have to 
enable it on their particular TCP session via a socket call.

So, you configure Keepalive intervals, etc. in the stack and enable it for 
RSCS TCPNJE sessions by specifying KEEPALIV=YES.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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