On: Fri, May 04, 2007 at 12:31:00PM -0500,Alain Benveniste Wrote:

} When our MVS guys logon to VM, VSCS is called. We have a assembler which is
} used to make the password invisible when the VM screen appears (we can only
} see 'logon userid'). This pgm is very old and I would like to replace to a
} new one.
} I would like to know if a sample exist for such a thing or how you do for
} the same requirement. If you have a pgm you want to share with me I take it :)


Like Alan, I am confused.

Please clarify what is it that you want to be "invisible".  The normal
login screen has 3 lines.  Userid, password & command.  As set up by
default for as far back as I can recall the data portion of the
"Password" line is non-display.  (Non-display == invisible).

Is that what you want?  If so, just remove your mod and you have it.
Or for some reason do you also want the word "Password" to be invisible?
If thats what you want (Why?) you can do it by twiddling the logos.  
Its been a while and I don't recall exactly where, but in your SYSTEM
CONFIG file there is a pointer to the logo config files.

Rich Greenberg  N Ft Myers, FL, USA richgr atsign panix.com  + 1 239 543 1353
Eastern time.  N6LRT  I speak for myself & my dogs only.    VM'er since CP-67
Canines:Val, Red, Shasta & Casey (RIP), Red & Zero, Siberians  Owner:Chinook-L
Retired at the beach                                     Asst Owner:Sibernet-L

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