Thanks Adam,

I have thought about using the DDR to file option but that will slow
down the process too much and will require a lot more staging area
during the backup process.

For now, the only thing that comes to mind is VMBackup.

I wish IBM would add an encrypt option to DDR!


On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 10:12:28 -0500 Adam Thornton said:
>You could use ddr2cmsx, encrypt the result, and then dump that to
>real tape.  With the (compact option it'll probably save you some
>tape space too.  Obviously this requires restore-to-disk, decrypt,
>restore-to-real-target disk, so it makes your DR process take longer
>and require some temporary holding space.
>I am unaware of CMS-based encryption tools, but that by no means
>implies they don't exist.  Me, I'd then VMARC my CMSDDR files (to
>eliminate blocksize issues and further shrink them), send 'em over to
>Linux, run them through something-openssl-based, ship 'em back, and
>stick them on tape, but that's a sort of icky workflow.

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