The download page is a gold mine of "unreleased/unsupported" tools that just
simply make life easier. I have a lot of stuff from there, and often modify
it for my specific use.
Understanding completly that there is no gaurentee and everything is 'use at
your own risk' I have no qualms about 'giving it a try' and take
responsibility for the consequences.
I know of shops that forbid the use of 'unsupported' software ie from the
download page,I never quite understood that philosophy, but that is thier

The point is, if it is good enough for IBM isn't it good enough for thier
Now we(I) need to convince them to put TERSE on the download.      

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Thomas Kern
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: PIPEDDR

The best way to get the TERSE stage is to become an IBMer. It is one of the
internal only stages that never make it to the customers.

/Tom Kern

--- "Huegel, Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On the VM download page there is a tool 'PIPEDDR'. In the description of
> this tool it mentions that it can use a 'TERSE' pipestage, then goes on to
> mention that this is only available on internal IBM systems .. duh !! 
> Anyone know how one could get a hold of such an internal pipestage?  
>   _____  
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