I have never been adverse to trying 'unsupported' code. I have even
convinced some management to allow 'unsupported' code for our use and for

some of our better customers. 

If you prowl through the downloads page long enough, you will find severa
items that sound usefull but on deeper inspection, find that they are
dependent upon the secret workings of some unavailable program. IBM shoul
have required from the start that ALL items on the download page be compl
and with source code included. Yeah, I know IBM would never have been abl
to go against the OCO is really good for everyone philosophy, but we can 

Even with those problems, the downloads page is a source of some great
programs (Mailit and Rxserver in particular) so don't give up on it. And
please add your voice to the call for the TERSE and other stages and othe
programs that are hinted at.
/Tom Kern

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 09:43:40 -0500, Huegel, Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wr
>The download page is a gold mine of "unreleased/unsupported" tools that 
>simply make life easier. I have a lot of stuff from there, and often mod
>it for my specific use.
>Understanding completly that there is no gaurentee and everything is 'us
e at
>your own risk' I have no qualms about 'giving it a try' and take
>responsibility for the consequences.
>I know of shops that forbid the use of 'unsupported' software ie from th
>download page,I never quite understood that philosophy, but that is thie
>The point is, if it is good enough for IBM isn't it good enough for thie
>Now we(I) need to convince them to put TERSE on the download.

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