Pasted directly from the "News" screen on the IBMLink 3270 interface (VM, 
greenscreen, aka: productive):

01 SEP 07 - Attention all VM users 
VM Registration Tool will sunset on October 31, 2007
Implications are: 
* All users and entitlements for the IBMLink VM 
  system will be permanently set on IBMLink VM. 
* No new user can be registered for access to VM 
  (3270 emulation). 
* No changes can be made to your company or users 
  on the VM side. 
* Changes can only be made to IBMLink on the 
  Internet and those changes will only affect 
  IBMLink on the Internet side. 
* Keep in mind, all companies and users that did 
  not previously have VM (3270 emulation) access 
  will not be able to get VM access. 
* All IBMLink users will continue to have Internet 
  access via url: 
Please inform your IBMLink Customer Service 
Administrator (CSA) and/or Backup CSA of any changes
required as soon as possible. 
We appreciate your support in our continued journey 
to consolidate and enhance our presence on the 
Internet. If you have any concerns or comments, 
please submit a "feedback" from IBM Link on the web 
(internet) or call our Help Desk at 1-800-543-3912. 

If you are a current user of the IBMLink 3270 interface, I'd be sure it's 
still working before and after October 31, 2007.  At one point in the 
recent past IBMLink 3270 had been relegated to the trash heap of history. 
Rumor has it that several prominent European customers raised such an 
uproar that IBMLink relented somewhat.  My interpretation of the above 
legal-speak is that IBMLink 3270 will be frozen as-is (better than killed 
outright).  Anyone with access to IBMLink 3270 retains access; no new IDs, 
no changes.

If you are NOT a current IBMLink 3270 interface user, this is your last 
chance to get signed up.  "Act now!  Operators are standing by to take 
your call!  Open 24 hours!  One free set of Ginsue (sp?) steak knives with 
each order!  And that's not all!  If you call in the next 10 minutes and 
mention this offer..." (OK, they didn't REALLY say any of that.)  :-)

Even though the quotes "news" above specifically reports changes to the 
"VM Registration Tool", I called the 800 number to ask if a user can still 
change their "IBMLink VM" (a new term from IBM!) password after October 
31, 2007 in light of the statement "* No changes can be made to your 
company or users on the VM side.").  From the "VM Registration Tool" 
heading one could presume that everything else including password changes 
should still work.  But given the frequent errors/misunderstandings 
regarding pretty much everything to do with "IBMLink VM", I simply want to 
be prepared.  The gentleman I spoke with had a heavy Indian accept and 
asked multiple unrelated questions, but as best I could tell users will 
still be able to change their own passwords.  I won't be too surprised if 
his reply and reality don't mesh after October 31.  Time will tell...

Mike Walter 
Hewitt Associates 
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