We run the same configuration both live and at DR.  The only 2 things don
different at DR are to manually FORCE off AUTOLOG2 (there is a 1 minute 

delay which allows this to be easily done) and to manually XAUTOLOG 
TCPIPDR (which runs in *addition* to the normal TCPIP stack).

AUTOLOG2 brings up all the LINUX guests, which need to be restored first.
If needed, the individual LINUX guests can be forced off.

The TCPIPDR stack masquerades as the various gateways that the LINUX 
guests use and forwards everything to the external router IP used at DR. 
The DR I/O configuration leaves out the OSA addresses in use at the home 

site and includes a new OSA address for use only by TCPIPDR.  This 
prevents the VSWITCHes from passing traffic directly to an OSA, allowing 

the TCPIPDR stack to route all the traffic.  This setup means we don't 

have to update IP stacks.

Brian Nielsen

On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 09:29:51 -0400, Mary Anne Matyaz 

>Hello all. I need a few lines of code for a D/R situation. I need to kno
>in VM and Linux, if we are in a real D/R or in a
>test D/R.
> My plan is to default to a real D/R situation, then, if it's a test,
>execute a command from operator
>that asks if it is a test, and if so, place a variable somewhere, shutdo
>the linuxes and tcp/ip, make my necessary
>changes to point to different startups (primarily for IP addresses), and

>bring them up again.
>What I need is how to put the variable somewhere that other users can th
>access it...
>TIA for any insight/thoughts, etc...
>Mary Anne

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