A different command for every application to 'SHUTDOWN, TERMINATE, END,
STOP' how many synonyms are there?
Maybe SHUTDOWN should have required an additional parameter, i.e. SHUTDOWN
And yes I am one of those that has managed to get SHUTDOWN into the wrong
place at the wrong time.. I even feel nervous typing it in this email...

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Schuh, Richard
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: Changing privclass of SHUTDOWN

I wholeheartedly agree about using SHUTDOWN for other than CP being a
poor choice. Unfortunately, that has been the case for so long that it
will be difficult to change it now. 

Richard Schuh 

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jim Bohnsack
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: Changing privclass of SHUTDOWN

Kris never worked with me.  Perhaps I'm a bad influence.

For Fran--I think a major bad choice IBM made was to have SHUTDOWN be 
the end-stop-kill command for anything else other than VM.  If I 
remember correctly, RSCS has a SHUTDOWN command

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