Yes, PVM has a SHUTDOWN command.  I know.  Afterwards I changed PVM's 
command to SHUT.

My other accident wouldn't have been prevented by something as easy as 

changing the privclass.  We had recently migrated from a 4381 to a 3090 

and I was learning how to work with the IOCDS's during the workday.  So, 

with the manual at hand I set about learning how to do the basics.  
Unprotect the one I want to write to?  No problem!  Write a new one out? 
Done!  Write protect it?  Piece of cake!  Activate it?  Message says I 

can't until I release the active one.  That makes sense, so let's release
it.  A message asks if I really want to do that.  [I hope your spider 
senses are tingling.]  Well, I can't activate a new one if I don't, so, 


I hadn't realized that releasing/activating an IOCDS was essentially an 

IML.  Ouch!!  I confessed it was my fault the system stopped.  After we 

were up again I wrote procedures for operators on how to activate a new 

IOCDS - which included shutting the system down first!

Brian Nielsen

On Tue, 6 Nov 2007 12:54:06 -0500, Jim Bohnsack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot

>Kris never worked with me.  Perhaps I'm a bad influence.
>For Fran--I think a major bad choice IBM made was to have SHUTDOWN be
>the end-stop-kill command for anything else other than VM.  If I
>remember correctly, RSCS has a SHUTDOWN command.  I haven't used PVM for

>10 or 15 years, but I think it did or does. A PC that IBM made back in
>the '80s (PC3270??) used SHUTDOWN to stop it and park the hard disk.
>I've SHUTDOWN CP when I intended to kill RSCS.  A fellow (lady) sysprog
>I worked with killed CP trying to stop the PC.
>Another bad choice that IBM made was to have COLD as an IPL option, at
>least back in the olden days, without having some kind of really big
>nastygram coming out on the screen saying "ARE YOU REALLY SURE YOU WANT
>TO DO THIS????".  We took COLD out as an IPL choice and replaced it with

>a word that only the sysprogs knew.
>Kris Buelens wrote:
>> No no, I never did.  My worst outages happened in VM/SP where a SAVESY
>> APL caused a VSE guest to abend.  Impossible? That's what I told my 

>> and I SAVESYSed APL again... and VSE died again.  So I had to admit I 

>> the cause and started digging: the DMSSNT area for APL was in overlap 

with a
>> CP PAGE area on VMPK01, mea culpa indeed.
>> Nevertheless, we place SHUTDOWN in CLASS S.
>Jim Bohnsack
>Cornell University
>(607) 255-1760

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