Regarding the, "problem" of perhaps wishing to only collect a subset of 

the monitor records for, "MONWRITE" / post-processing activities while 

still needing a fuller set of records for realtime monitoring, it is 
really a trivial exercise to write a PIPE that collects MONITOR records (
la MONWRITE) and, of course, it would be equally trivial to code a filter
into that pipe to drop the records that were only of, "real time" interes

While I completely understand that new folks on the block may have other 

priorities I'm always bemused when I see folk struggling with the vanilla
data collection mechanisms for accounting, monitoring and the such when 

it's so easy use PIPE to roll a customised collector that fits your exact

(Nowadays, the vanilla tools are, "sufficient unto my needs" - but this 

has not always been the case and, of course, Melinda's Plumbing Papers 

contain discussion regarding the collection of accounting data - most of 

which reads straight across into the monitor data collection context.)


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