On Nov 9, 2007 9:34 PM, Roger Lunsford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The PERFKIT can create HISTORY DATA files, which can be looked at
> as "condensed monitor data" files.  The PERFKIT can also process these

That's not really the same. Those are just a small set of (system
wide) metrics that are kept for every interval, plus detail from a
selected set of users (and the more users you select, the bigger it
will get).

> simply BENCHMRK these users, and can also get the same type of "condensed

In that case you seem to be able to predict which users' data will be
needed in the future. That is extremely helpful in diagnosing
performance problems ;-)

But I did not mean to start a "mine is bigger than yours" contest. My
apologies if it looked like that.
I just wanted to point out that we're playing in different leagues,
since that is not always obvious to everyone. And someone who is
willing to keep all monitor data for future analysis may be in that
other league.

Rob van der Heij
Velocity Software, Inc

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