Without trying to change anyone's mind, allow me to point out there are reasonably attractive alternatives to the Listserv plain text DIGEST mode, avoiding the view problems that HTML and encoded posts bring. Two come to mind. First, there are alternative DIGEST subscriptions settings. If you hate HTML because they screw up your digests, might enjoy MIME HTML DIGEST as your subscriber setting.

Second, consider using the keyword or filtering capabilities of your e-mail system to collect IBMVM distributions separately from your other e-mail. I've been reading professional subscriptions this way for a number of years. Not only does it get a mailing list out of my INBOX, but the collections/folders can be sorted various ways, do not have the artificial break in conversations by day, while replies or forwarding of individual items is much faster. I've used gmail (gmail uses keywords in place of folders) this way for over a year now, and am very happy with it. Gmail's recent addition of IMAP support means that I can have my gmail not only in a web browser, but in my Outlook, Thunderbird or other e-mail client that supports IMAP.

cheers, wayne

Still at v2.3 of VM, for another year or so. :-)

Gary Eheman wrote:
Thank you Jeff Gribbin for posting your plea for plain text only and no html for the sanity of those of us who receive the list in DIGEST mode. There are many days after paging forward in the DIGEST and being presented with page after page of raw html that I just give up and move on to another email.

For this posting only, I am modifying my signature to highlight the importance of this for the list readers. A strong list of reasons for cooperation of which you should be aware can be found at (seriously) http://ww.asciiribbon.org

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