And, sometimes indeed a colorful/fontful answer is much nicer to read,
that pleads for HTML mails.

2007/12/11, Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Dec 11, 2007 8:50 AM, Wayne T Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > individual items is much faster.   I've used gmail (gmail uses keywords
> > in place of folders) this way for over a year now, and am very happy
> > with it.  Gmail's recent addition of IMAP support means that I can have
> > my gmail not only in a web browser, but in my Outlook, Thunderbird or
> > other e-mail client that supports IMAP.
> I certainly recommend using gmail to follow mailing lists in
> non-digest form. The web interface is highly efficient when you're
> able to be connected while reading mail. When viewing the posts, gmail
> will hides the quoted sections and thus reduces the amount of text to
> skip through. The posts are organized into threads again so it is easy
> to put aside the remainder of a subject you don't care to follow (but
> you will be able to find it back).
> With over 5 GB of email storage for free, you don't have to retire in
> 3 years... :-)  Added bonus is that you see advertising in the margin
> that is often related to the post in a funny way (I wasn't aware of
> IPL devices for skin treatment, and I get a lot of links to off-shore
> plumbing equipment).
> Rob

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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