Yesterday and last night were busy, relatively speaking, for my 0
records detector. There were three occasions when it detected 0 record
conditions as follows (times are GMT):

12/12 at 23:56:58 Detected 0 record log from location A (the trouble
         23:58:58 The file had records.
12/13 at 00:04:58 Detected 0 record log from location B
         00:06:58 The file had records
         14:08:59 Detected 0 record log from location A
           14:10:59 The file had records 

The logs from location A were corrupted but not the one from location B.

Before anyone suggests something odd about the two minute deltas, that
is the interval that the pcs use when checking for data to be sent.
Another item to note - each center has its own id that is used for
logging in, even though the data is all being sent to the same file

I think that this may create more questions than it answers. We have
seen similar situations before. The corruption of files is almost
universally unique to location A, and seems to always occur in
conjunction with the file containing 0 records. However, there is not a
one-one relationship between the 0 record files and the corruptions.
There have been times when a file was not corrupted in conjunction with
detection of the 0 record file. This has been the case with files from
other centers and once from the problem child. Also, files from other
centers are corrupted once in a great while - there have been none since
I put in my 0 record detector, so I can draw no inference about any
relationship there.

Something else that may be of interest is that the center having the
difficulty is the most remote of our centers.

Richard Schuh 

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