Hi, I just wanted to chime in and confirm that CP will indeed mark a page

(or spool) record for which a write attempt failed as allocated and
"permanently in use", so after it's failed (after a few retries), CP will

never attempt to write to or read from it again for the life of the IPL. 

- Bill Holder, z/VM Development, IBM

On Fri, 4 Jan 2008 14:03:33 +0100, Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> w

>On Jan 4, 2008 1:32 PM, David Boyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Did you recently add some page space to the system, or possibly
>> overlapped some of your paging or spool space with a minidisk? This
>> message can be caused by forgetting to format the page space with
>> ICKDSF, or if you've accidentally overlaid part of your paging or spoo
>> space with a minidisk, CP will complain about that (CMS or Linux
>> formatted space makes CP sad).
>I seem to recall that CP records a slot as in-use even when it failed
>to write out the page. So the fact that so many slots locks are
>already in-use on the device probably does not imply there were any
>usable pages there...
>In the distant past one never had to add page packs because the load
>of VM was getting less and the machine were getting bigger. All we had
>to do was add user disks for this decreasing workload ;-)  (hint: no,
>the work was not getting less, the machines were getting faster). So
>VM storage administrators (or often z/OS storage folks with a cheat
>sheet) learned that for VM it was enough to format allocate cylinder 0
>and go for it (because DIRMAINT and otherwise CMS) would format the
>mini disks anyway. But not for CP owned volumes, as pointed out by
>I believe DIRMAINT already blocks CP areas from allocation these days,
>even when you don't do $PAGE$ and $SPOL$ userids. But for those shops
>without, wibni CP would prevent lesser gods from completing a LINK to
>a device that lives on a CP area?  (except for parm disks, I guess)

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