On Monday, 01/21/2008 at 10:02 EST, "Dale R. Smith" 

> The x'05050505' in the KEY area indicates that this is a Format-5 DSCB.
> Immediately following the key identifier, the x'0001' is the first free
> track available, (relative to the beginning of the volume).  The x'0000'
> after that is the number of free cylinders in the extent, in this case
> zero.  The x'00' after that is the number of additional free tracks, 
> zero.  Other free extents would follow this one, (there are none).  This
> Format-5 DSCB indicates that there is NO free space on this volume, 
> is what z/OS would believe also.

Your observations match mine from last Friday

> My guess is that DITTO may be looking
> for Format-1 and Format-3 DSCBs, (they describe space used by allocated
> datasets), and not finding any on a VM volume, it is a assuming that the
> entire volume is free.  z/OS will not allocate a dataset on a properly
> formatted VM volume, regardless of what DITTO shows.

(whew!) I'm glad its a DITTO bug.  It explains why my playing with the 
Format-5 DSCB didn't affect what DITTO reported.

I looked up the S213-04: It is because a format *1* DSCB cannot be found. 
I was confusing the lack of a dataset called SYS1.VTOC with the lack of a 
VTOC.  Tricksy, it is!

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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