On the right, of course.....:-)

That way, both the prefix area and the next line are both a single keystroke away. From anywhere on a line, a CR takes you to the beginning of the next line, a TAB takes you to the prefix area.

And then there's the human-factors aspect of wasting valuable screen real estate on the left margin where the human eye expects to find text, only to have to skip over a PDF/EDIT-style prefix area. Not to mention the presentation change when the prefix area is turned off; if it's on the right, the only difference is you might see more of each line. The text in column 1 stays in column 1.

I thought this issue was settled back in the 80's ... ;-)


On 2/20/08 15:04 Dave Jones said:
On the left, of course.....:-)

Huegel, Thomas wrote:
Where does the prefix field belong?
On the left?
On the right?

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