On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 4:44 PM, Chip Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  That way, both the prefix area and the next line are both a single keystroke
>  away.  From anywhere on a line, a CR takes you to the beginning of the next
>  line, a TAB takes you to the prefix area.

You mean you actually over-type what is already there on the screen
rather than orchestrate changes through the command line and prefix
area?    :-)
You would not if you learned XEDIT on a 300 bps terminal...  that's
how you learn the order in which prefix commands, screen updates and
command are processed.  And when someone managed to put a FULLREAD ON
in some of our shared macros, you'd have enough time to hit him over
the head before your screen refreshed ;-)


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