So can you post the QD exec?  I also had a few of those that are gone.  I think 
the QH exec I had showed the time in french.

   Thank you,  Dave Hansen
                           Hennepin County

             Bruce Hayden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                   
             Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System                             
             03/06/2008 10:23 AM                                                
                                                                     Re: The 
list it to quiet, here's something to work on.                           
                            Please respond to                                   
                      The IBM z/VM Operating System                             

Gee, I have a copy of that exec, with a 1983 date on it.  The
reference to MFC's birthday is a comment in my version:

/* if m d=2*2*2 3*3*3 then do; say "It's Mike Cowlishaw's Birthday!"
say;end */

The comment at the top says:
/* Type/push today's date and moon phase in English */
I still run it every day as part of my PROFILE EXEC:

It's Thursday the 6th of March, 2008.

There will be a new moon tomorrow.


On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 9:18 PM, Jim Bohnsack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just happen to have that book on the shelf as well as it's companion,
>  also written by Mike if I remember correctly.
>  I have an old exec that Mike wrote or at least my modification of it.  I
>  don't know if it ever make it to the public domain.  The original was
>  called QD EXEC.  It did a calculation among other things, which I have
>  never been able to understand, that would announce that Mike's birthday
>  was sometime in January, I think.  I had always been intending to put a
>  note out on the list telling everyone when that was so everyone could
>  join in on a Happy Birthday or whatever.  Now, however, I may not be
>  working with a VM system next January since I am planning on retiring
>  sometime this year. I'd be happy to send my version of it, QDJAB, which
>  just has some code inserted in it to remind me of my next trip to see my
>  family or whatever.   I'm afraid that I've lost the original QD EXEC.
>  Jim

>  --
>  Jim Bohnsack
>  Cornell University
>  (607) 255-1760

Bruce Hayden
Linux on System z Advanced Technical Support
Endicott, NY

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