On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Stracka, James (GTI)

> We took ours to a metal recycler.  They were mildly happy to take all
>  but the ends.  We had to remove the ends.  There is a lot of plastic in
>  those cables which the recycler has to strip.  You only get paid for the
>  metal.

I would expect the connectors to have a fair amount of interesting
materials (like plated pins etc) well beyond even copper and aluminum.
But maybe only interesting for large shops that can grind and separate

Maybe I can find on http://www.recycleinme.com/ someone interested in
a decent supply of tape rings. Not yet, but isn't the saying that you
can't take your tape rings when your time has come...  and I also see
demand for my old pipeline stages.


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