On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Karl Kingston wrote:
> OK we are running zLinux under zVM here.   So from what I'm reading, z/vm
> -> z/vm -> zlinux is not a very good idea???

I have to back what Adam said from a managerial context.
There has been much discussion in recent weeks about virtualization
as to how it is (or can be, or SHOULD be) a cornerstone of your
D/R scheme and exercises.

But the burden cannot be entirely on the D/R site to emulate
production.  The production site needs to be designed with D/R
in mind, including some homework: look for hints about those
performance pain points.

The performance issues cannot be ignored,
but I have to think that we're about to enjoy more
paravirtualiztion in Linux-on-VM (like the DIAG driver for DASD).

Alan, pass me more of those pancakes!
Adam? More syrup?

-- R;   <><

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