Jim Bohnsack wrote:
> I missed this before.  If you are going to have *AN LPAR* at the D/R
> site and you have, it sounds like, a VM lpar and z/OS lpars to restore
> for you D/R test, you really don't have any choice but to run your D/R
> test under a VM system.  That way the VM and z/OS systems you restore
> as virtual machines act and look as if they are each running in their
> own lpars.  Surely the D/R site isn't going to give you as many lpars
> as you currently run in, are they?
> Jim

Not true. We divvy up a processor into as many physical lpars as we
need. Two zVM, seven zOS lpars.

> David Boyes wrote:
>> 3) We have HIPERSOCKETS defined with DEDICATE statements.     This is to
>> allow communication to our z/OS LPARs.=20
>> #3 is the issue I'm having now if I want to bring things up under an
>> LPAR at the DR site.   How do I deal with this?  =20
>> =20
>> IMHO, that would be the final argument toward installing as a VM guest.
>> Hipersockets are a PITA, but you'd at least be able to attach them at
>> the old addresses in the CP directory and let CP worry about the
>> physical addresses. Is your z/OS system also runnable as a guest? If so,
>> then define virtual hipersockets in the VM floor system and go from
>> there.=20

Mark Jacobs
Time Customer Service
Tampa, FL

The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. 
The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise to 
the occasion. We cannot escape history. We will be remembered in 
spite of ourselves. The fiery trial through which we pass will 
light us down in honor or dishonor, to the last generation.

Abraham Lincoln

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