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---- Good day, Firstly, apologies for a very basic question from a z/OS system programmer. Not being a VM expert, I've been struggling with this for most of the day and was hoping someone could perhaps help while I'm still downloading the manuals. I am busy with the zLINUX installation on zVM. I would like to make use of 3390 Model 9 disk for the Linux software. We would like to make use of a bit more space (over 3338 cyl or 2.7Gb) and hence have the following definitions in USER DIRECT : USER LINUX02 LNX4VM 512M 2G G INCLUDE LINDFLT OPTION APPLMON MDISK 100 3390 0001 4500 LNX000 MR LNX4VM LNX4VM LNX4VM MDISK 102 3390 4501 0300 LNX000 MR LNX4VM LNX4VM LNX4VM MDISK 103 3390 4801 3038 LNX000 MR LNX4VM LNX4VM LNX4VM MDISK 104 3390 7839 2177 LNX000 MR LNX4VM LNX4VM LNX4VM When I logon to LINUX02, I get the following msg : LOGON LINUX02 HCPLNM1151E LINUX02 0100 has not been linked because it is not within CP volume extents. HCPLNM1151E LINUX02 0102 has not been linked because it is not within CP volume extents. HCPLNM1151E LINUX02 0103 has not been linked because it is not within CP volume extents. HCPLNM1151E LINUX02 0104 has not been linked because it is not within CP volume extents. Searching on this msg does not provide any clues how to specify that this is a 3390 Model 9 dasd. Your assistance is very much appreciated. Kind Regards, Vikesh Bhoola