My current CP Owned list looks like this:

Slots   Use
 1-10   Spool
11-15   Reserved
16-17   Dump
18-39   Page
  40    T-Disk
41-50   Reserved

I need to double the spool space for upcoming events (z/TPF dumps). I
know that I can use slots 11-15 and 5 slots from the 41-50 range. I
would rather keep my Spool space in one range. Would anything break if I
changed it so that slots 1-20 are spool and everything else pushed down
to higher slot numbers, as below? I know that changing the slot numbers
for page is no problem, and I cannot think of a good reason for the
system to care about the placement  of T-disk, but what about the Dump?
It is a part of Spool, but it gets reallocated at IPL. Is there anything
that would break if the dump disks moved from slots 16 and 17 to 31 and

Slots           Use
 1-20           Spool
21-30           Reserved
31-32           Dump
33-54           Page
55-64           Reserved
  65            T-disk

Richard Schuh 

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