I am wondering if there is anyone who has automated the shutdown of linux

instances in z/VM, that has to follow the Department of Defense (DoD)
requirements?  The requirements, I am referring to, are the Security
Technical Implementation Guide (STIG). 

The SIGNAL command would be the perfect solution, but it requires enablin
the CTL-ALT-DEL function under linux.  According to the STIG, the
CTL-ATL-DEL function cannot be enable.  

I have tried using the CP SEND command, in a REXX EXEC, to send the useri
and password to linux, but z/VM changes the case of the letter from lower
upper.  Another problem according to the STIG.  All passwords must be mix
case.  Is there a way for z/VM to not change the case of the letter?

Is there another way to automate the shutdown of the linux instances?

Looking for any help

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