I got mine thru ShopZ and I remembered having to decide if I wanted to download them thru a browser or ftp. I chose browser and those 4 separate files are what were downloaded. Yes, I guess I meant RSU 5304. I just tried it again. Starting with the z/VM Electronically Delivered Service (CORective or RSU) Installation Instructions, I did step (1) Upload Service Envelope(s) I followed the directions to use MS-DOS Windows FTP. (2) De-Compaction of Service Envelope(s) That worked like a charm.
(3) Installation of Service Envelope(s) on z/VM Host

For service envelop files in VMSES/E format (files with extensions of SHIPTFSS, or SHIPDOCS or SHIPRSUn or SHIPDOC):

Follow the appropriate instructions listed below for the release of VM you are running. (It says to go to Part 4 'Service Procedures' in the z/VM Guide for Automated Installation and Service)

That tells you to enter SERVICE ALL envfn1 envfn2... but I have one name and several SHIPRSUn files.

I'm going to call IBM and order a tape. It should be here by Monday. There's got to be a better way.


Kim Goldenberg wrote:
Jim Bohnsack wrote:
I received electronic service for z/VM 5.3, RSU 7304. I am not clear on

   Did you mean 5304?

interpreting the installation instructions.  I received 4 files:

I got mine through SRD and they came as RLSTxxxx.BIN or RPTFxxxx.BIN files that then had to be DETERSEd to .SERVLINK files. Did you get yours through ShopZ?

My question or confusion is that is the fname and ftype that the SERVICE exec needs. There are references to the ftype "must be SERVLINK". If so what do I do with the dup fnames? I see another reference saying that the ftypes can be in the SHIPRSUn format that I received. I see a reference to the service envelope needs to be on the 500 disk accessed as C and another saying that it needs to be accessed as A.

The "Guide for Automated Installation and Service" says C, but it also says"
"If your media is electronic, follow the instructions that were sent to you electronically."

FWIW, when I recently got RSU5304, the 500 disk was Z.

I've used SERVICE before but for 7304 I ordered a tape. I don't remember using SERVICE for electronic service with more than one file.

What filemode does the service need to be on and what fname and ftype does SERVICE want the files to be?

Filemode: anywhere it can find the files; FN and FT, see above.




Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(607) 255-1760

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