I've ran my test data through this PIPE and it appears to solve the

/*  */
!written = 0
!deleted = 0
 address command "PIPE ( endchar ? )                " ,
                 "< IFSDE  binary   a              | " ,
                 " change x0d0a x0a                |",
                 " change x0d   x0a                |",
                 " deblock linend 0a               | " ,
                 " xlate from 819 to 1047          |",
                 " change x00 / /                  | " ,
                 " strip trailing                  | " ,
                 " g: locate w 1                   | " ,
                 " >  IFSDE DEBLOCK A              | " ,
                 " count lines                     | " ,
                 " var !written tracking             " ,
     " ? g:            | " ,
         " count lines | " ,
         " var !deleted tracking "
say "written=" !written
say "deleted=" !deleted

Thanks to everyone.

Jim Hughes
"Its kind of fun to do the impossible." (Walt Disney)

=>-----Original Message-----
=>From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
=>Behalf Of Phil Smith III
=>Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 10:19 AM
=>Subject: PIPELINES and Deblocking(Cross posted in CMSPIPELINES
=>Jim Hughes wrote:
=>>I download files to our Z/VM system in binary. The files on the
=>>ftp server are in ascii.
=>>This works fine when the records are delimited by '0d0a' or '0a'.
=>>Last night I received a file whose records are delimited by '0d'.
=>>broke because the file wasn't deblocked properly.
=>>I am having a hard time visualizing how to cope with records
=>>by '0d' and not mess up what I already have.
=>Normalize, normalize normalize!  (Yeah, a strange concept for THIS
=>Since they're ASCII, how about:
=> '| change x0d0a x0a *' ,
=> '| xlate 0d 0a' ,
=> '| split at x0a' ,

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