I don't remember if anyone's mentioned this, so here goes. In VMFTP you 

can get the full test of the error message as follows in your VMFTP file:

'put 'fn'.'ft'.'fm problem'.49R.000.'ofn'.'oft'.PACKED.1024' 
If RC%100 <> 2 Then Signal Oops              

. . . 

Say execfn execft 'Return code' RC 'not expected'   
Say execfn execft OUTPUT.0 'lines returned:'        
Do j = 1 To OUTPUT.0                 
   Say "'"Output.j"'"                  

Return RC                      

I'm not sure that this'll work with your -5 return code, but it might.

Alan Ackerman                    
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com

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