Romney -
If the local file does not exist I get this:
   VMFTPM401I put TEST.FILE SAP041_2008-08-29_05-32-34_FRI.txt
   Local file not found or cannot be accessed.
If the remote file exists it should be overwritten.
That leave 'subcommand syntax error' as the reason for -5.
I can't see the syntax error.
   VMFTPM401I put NO_INST.TXT NO_INST_2008-08-26_03-38-11_TUE.txt
       33 *-* 'put NO_INST.TXT NO_INST_2008-08-26_03-38-11_TUE.txt'
          +++ RC(-5) +++
The STEM OUTPUT. contains 0 lines.
On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 12:03:25 -0500 Romney_White said:
>That return code is set if there is a syntax error in the command or if the
>file does not exist.

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