> I didn't know that OpenVMS could run on Intel Itaniums, but
> it sounds way cool.

Yes. It's a relatively recent development (and about 20 years too late
-- we could have been spared Windows entirely if DEC had bought a clue
way back when...*sigh*), but it's actually fueling a renaissance in VMS
usage. VMS is a nice, tight, secure, easy to manage system, with decent
batch and tape processing capabilities, and excellent compilers and
compatibility with the IBM extensions for COBOL, a decent CICS
replacement, etc, etc. It's a terrific replacement for small VSE and
z/OS shops who can't get an affordable z system these days. HP doesn't
seem to have such a huge problem with hobbyist use, either. 

Now if someone would port REXX to VMS instead of DCL... hmm. Now that's
a useful thought. 

> What's next, Mac under z/VM? :-)

TOPS-20, of course. If I say "fiat lux", then I expect the OS to turn
the lights on reliably, with a proper Emacs for editing the universe's
config files. Galaxy on Z -- it's about time we got a decent batch
system for Z. 
*grin* 8-) 

Actually, if this emulation approach we're using for the Alpha works out
as it appears to be doing, PPC operating systems like AIX and i5OS would
be a logical next step. Licensing for Mac OSX Server would probably just
be a RPITA to get, even if I could get proper emulation working.

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