Hi, Dave.

What's the invalid character in line 2653? You can edit the UPLOAD exec file in Xedit, make the last line in the file the current line, and then issue the Xedit command hextype. That will show you the line in both hex and character modes.

Dave Keeton wrote:
Okay. I tried using a Windows Pee Cee for this (normally I use my linux
workstation). I removed the first line of the exec which contained "snip
here". This gives me a file with 2563 records like what Ed had. It was
opened with NotePad ++ and verified that it's a Windows Text file.

After ftp'ing with the Windows ftp client to z/VM and running 'exec
upload extract a' I get the following error:

  2563 +++   ?
  2563 +++    ?
   600 +++   temp = sourceline(l)
   578 +++ sourcel = GetSourceLine(badline)
DMSREX460E Error 13 running UPLOAD EXEC, line 2563: Invalid character in

I placed a call to CA for assistance, but was hoping I'd have it figured
out before they call. I don't and they haven't called.   ;-)

It'd be easier to just have them send me a tape, I think.


On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 10:51 -0600, Dave Jones wrote:

This looks like the old Windows vs. Unix/Mac line end character problem. Windows uses a pair of characters (CRLF) to denote end of line, while Unix and Mac just use one (Unix = LF and Mac = CR). If you take a look at the first line in the UPLOAD file in hex, I suspect that the last character in the line will be either a single CR or LF.

The fix is simple, on your workstation simply make sure the UIPLOAD EXEC file is in Windows format. On a Windows PC, the free Notepad++ editor works can do this easily (http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm)

Dave Keeton wrote:
Thanks for the reply, Ed. Looks like my transfer produces a file that's
one record larger than yours:

Cmd   Filename Filetype Fm Format Lrecl    Records     Blocks   Date
      UPLOAD   EXEC     A1 F         80       2564         51 12/03/08

After I've transferred the file using the site command FIX 80, I get a
file that's 2564 records. I'm not sure why that is. When I try to move
on in the instructions for CDTAPE and extract the contents of the file,
I get the following error (in response to JR's reply):

exec upload extract a
     1 +++ /*----------*snip here*----------*/?
DMSREX460E Error 13 running UPLOAD EXEC, line 1: Invalid character in



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