

It is OK to have the “snip” line … it’s a comment record which is required for 
the first line of a REXX program.


I think the problem is that you likely have an extra line at the END (very last 
line of the uploaded file on your VM system) of the file.  I suspect you’ll 
find the last line of the file will contain what appears to be a “double quote” 
… delete that line.  It’s common for file transfer utilities to add that to the 
end of a file.



JR (Steven) Imler


Senior Sustaining Engineer

Tel: +1 703 708 3479





From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave 
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: CA's CDTAPE format


Okay. I tried using a Windows Pee Cee for this (normally I use my linux 
workstation). I removed the first line of the exec which contained "snip here". 
This gives me a file with 2563 records like what Ed had. It was opened with 
NotePad ++ and verified that it's a Windows Text file.

After ftp'ing with the Windows ftp client to z/VM and running 'exec upload 
extract a' I get the following error:

  2563 +++   ?
  2563 +++    ?
   600 +++   temp = sourceline(l)
   578 +++ sourcel = GetSourceLine(badline)
DMSREX460E Error 13 running UPLOAD EXEC, line 2563: Invalid character in program

I placed a call to CA for assistance, but was hoping I'd have it figured out 
before they call. I don't and they haven't called.   ;-)

It'd be easier to just have them send me a tape, I think.


On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 10:51 -0600, Dave Jones wrote: 

This looks like the old Windows vs. Unix/Mac line end character problem. 
Windows uses a 
pair of characters (CRLF) to denote end of line, while Unix and Mac just use 
one (Unix =
LF and Mac = CR). If you take a look at the first line in the UPLOAD file in 
hex, I 
suspect that the last character in the line will be either a single CR or LF.
The fix is simple, on your workstation simply make sure the UIPLOAD EXEC file 
is in 
Windows format. On a Windows PC, the free Notepad++ editor works can do this 
Dave Keeton wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, Ed. Looks like my transfer produces a file that's
> one record larger than yours:
> Cmd   Filename Filetype Fm Format Lrecl    Records     Blocks   Date
> Time
>       UPLOAD   EXEC     A1 F         80       2564         51 12/03/08
> 7:31:25
> After I've transferred the file using the site command FIX 80, I get a
> file that's 2564 records. I'm not sure why that is. When I try to move
> on in the instructions for CDTAPE and extract the contents of the file,
> I get the following error (in response to JR's reply):
> exec upload extract a
>      1 +++ /*----------*snip here*----------*/?
> DMSREX460E Error 13 running UPLOAD EXEC, line 1: Invalid character in
> program
> Thanks,
> Dave
> On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 06:27 -0800, Edward M Martin wrote:
>> Hello Dave,
>> Try issuing the z/VM FTP site command FIX 80.
>> This does ASCII and creates a 80 byte record.
>> I have used two different versions.  Both work.
>> Cmd   Filename Filetype Fm Format Lrecl    Records     Blocks   Date
>> Time   
>> *     UPLOAD   EXEC     P1 V         75       2563         41  9/21/07
>> 15:55:30 
>> *     UPLOAD   EXEC     C1 F         80       2563         51  9/07/07
>> 16:40:23
>> Ed Martin
>> Aultman Health Foundation
>> 330-588-4723
>> ext 40441
>> ______________________________________________________________________
>> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> On Behalf OfImler, Steven J
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 6:52 AM
>> Subject: Re: CA's CDTAPE format
>> Dave,
>> I didn’t write those instructions, but yes, it means to FTP or UPLOAD
>> with the ASCII option in effect for the transfer.
>> You didn’t specify what error you received when you attempted to run
>> the UPLOAD EXEC, so I can’t help you further.  If you haven’t figured
>> it out for yourself at this point, call the support center and Fran or
>> Kitty can help you out.
>> JR (Steven) Imler
>> CA
>> Senior Sustaining Engineer
>> Tel: +1 703 708 3479
>> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> On Behalf OfKEETON Dave * OR SDC
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 08:26 PM
>> Subject: CA's CDTAPE format
>> Can someone tell me what CA means by "upload the UPLOAD.EXEC file to
>> your z/VM userid specifying text translation."? 
>> It doesn't appear they mean ASCII (by way of FTP), because that
>> doesn't work with the next step of: 
>> Which generates an error. 
>> Is there a command to specify 'text translation'? 
>> Thanks,
>> Dave 

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